Shooting With a Unit

Description: Some units have Shooting Weapons or Model Rules that allow them to perform Shooting Attacks. Apply the following rules for shooting with a unit:

1. Choose a shooting unit

Each unit that can perform a Shooting Attack can do so once per Shooting Phase, with the following conditions and restrictions:

Fleeing models, Shaken models, models that are Engaged in Combat or were Engaged in Combat at any point during the Player Turn, and models that have Marched or Reformed this Player Turn cannot perform Shooting Attacks.

• All models in the same unit must shoot at the same target, and only models in the first and second rank may shoot.

• If models in the unit have more than one type of Shooting Attack, declare which one is used. All R&F models except Champions must use the same type. Champions and Characters are free to use other types of Shooting Attacks (still maximum one attack per model, and directed at the same target as the unit).

• In case of Multipart Models, each model part can make a Shooting Attack in the same phase and is not limited to using the same type of Shooting Attack as the other model parts.

2. Choose a target

Nominate an enemy unit within the shooting unit's Line of Sight as target. Units Engaged in Combat cannot be chosen as targets.

3. Choose models to shoot with

Now determine which models from the shooting unit will shoot at the target unit:

• Check the Line of Sight for each shooting model. Remember that Line of Sight is always drawn from the model's Front Facing. Models that do not have Line of Sight to at least one model in the target unit cannot shoot.

• Measure the range to the target unit for each individual shooting model. This is measured from the actual position of each shooting model to the closest point of the target's Unit Boundary (even if this particular point is not within Line of Sight). Models that are farther away from their target than the range of their weapon cannot shoot (unless performing a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction).

• If the Shooting Attack has a minimum range, the model can only shoot if the target is at least partially outside the minimum range.

• Any model part in the unit is free to choose not to shoot.

4. Shoot!

Once you have established which models will shoot, these models shoot as many times as indicated in their weapon's profile. For each shot, roll to hit with each model, as described below, and then follow the Attack Sequence rules (page attack_sequence) after determining the number of hits.