Combined Charges

Description: When declaring a Charge against a unit against which one or more other friendly units already declared Charges during the same Charge Phase, you are allowed to declare the Charge even if the Charged Facing is not wide enough to enable contact with all Charging units. In addition, when more than one unit has declared a Charge against the same enemy unit, Chargers are moved in a slightly different order:

1 - Roll Charge Range for each unit Charging that same unit before moving any of them.

2 - Check which units would be able to reach their target (sufficiently high Charge Range rolls, no other units blocking the Charge Move, etc.).

3 - Perform the Charge Moves of all Charging units (including those failing their Charge) in the order that best satisfies the priority order of the Maximising Contact rule after all Charge Moves are completed. For determining the order, do not take into account any potential casualties inflicted on any Charging unit (e.g. by failed Dangerous Terrain Tests). The Charged unit may only be rotated if this is required to enable the first Charging unit to complete its Charge.

See figure figure/combined_charges for an example.


Combined Charges.a) Multiple units declaring a Charge against a single unit. Follow the priority order given by Maximising Contact.1. Not Charging multiple enemy units
2. Maximising the number of Charging units in the combat
3. Not rotating the Charged unit
4. Maximising the number of models in contact with one or more enemy models

b1) OK1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged (unit A's Front Facing is only wide enough for 3 of the 4 Charging units in the Front Arc)
3. Not applicable
4. Maximised without breaking priority 2. A total of 12 (4 vs 8) models is in contact with one or more enemy models. Notice that the flanking unit is only in contact with one enemy model. This is allowed because other models it could contact are already in contact with enemy models

b2) Not OK1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged
3. Not applicable
4. Not maximised. A total of 10 (4 vs 6) models is in contact with one or more enemy models

b3) Not OK1. Not applicable
2. Not maximised. Only 3 Charging units are Engaged. The Charge is illegal
3. Not applicable
4. Maximised. A total of 13 (4 vs 9) models is in contact with one or more enemy models, which is more than all the above. This is irrelevant though since the Charge is illegal due to the number of units not being maximised

b4) Not OK1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged
3. Not applicable
4. Not maximised. A total of 10 (4 vs 6) models is in contact with one or more enemy models. The Charge is illegal