Characteristic Tests

Description: To perform a Characteristic Test, roll a D6. If the result is lower than or equal to the value of the tested Characteristic, the test is passed. Otherwise the test is failed. A test always fails on the result of ‘6’.

When a model with more than one value for a Characteristic takes a Characteristic Test, take a single test for the Multipart Model, using the highest value available. For instance, if a Sylvan Elf Character with Strength 4 riding an Elven Horse with Strength 3 has to take a Strength test, the Multipart Model uses Strength 4 for this test.

When a unit as a whole takes a Characteristic Test, the highest value is used.

Discipline Tests

Discipline Tests are a special type of Characteristic Test and follow their own rules. To perform a Discipline Test, roll 2D6 and compare the result with the model's Discipline Characteristic. If the result is lower than or equal to the Discipline value, the test is passed. Otherwise, the test is failed.

When a unit as a whole takes a Discipline Test, the owner chooses a single model in the unit to take the test for the whole unit. If there are different Discipline values in the unit, the owner chooses which model to use. This often occurs when Characters are joined to units. If the model passes the Discipline Test, every model in the unit is considered to have passed the test. If the model fails the Discipline Test, every model in the unit is considered to have failed the Discipline Test.

Many different game mechanics call for a Discipline Test, such as performing a Panic Test or a Break Test. All these mechanics are Discipline Tests, regardless of any additional rules and modifications described in the relevant rules sections.