Aligning Units

Description: After the Charger manages to move into base contact with the Charged unit, the units must now be aligned towards each other. An align move is performed as follows:

1 - The owner rotates the Charging unit around the point where it contacted the enemy (see figure figure/align), so that the Charging unit's Front Facing and the Charged unit's Facing in which it was contacted are parallel.

2 - Instead, if this will not align the two units properly, for example due to interfering Terrain or other units, players may rotate the Charged unit so that the Charged unit’s contacted Facing and the Charging unit’s Front Facing are parallel if this will achieve proper contact between them, or do a combination of the two, starting with the Charging unit and rotating the enemy unit as little as possible.


Maximising contact.
a) Unit B Charges an enemy unit. Follow the priority order given by Maximising Contact when moving the Charger.1. Not Charging multiple enemy units
2. Maximising the number of units Engaged in Combat
3. Not rotating the enemy unit
4. Maximising the number of models in contact with one or more enemy models

b1) OK.1. Not applicable
2. Not applicable
3. The Charged unit is not rotated
4. The number of models is maximised without breaking priority 3. A total of 11 (5 vs 6) models is in base contact with one or more enemy models

b2) Not OK.1. Not applicable
2. Not applicable
3. The Charged unit is rotated. The Charge is illegal
4. The number of models is maximised. A total of 12 (5 vs 7) models is in base contact with one or more enemy models, which is more than b1). This is irrelevant though since the Charge is illegal due to the Charged unit being rotated

Align moves can only be made in the direction of alignment with the enemy unit's Charged Facing (see
figure figure/charge_frontage). The Charged unit must only be moved if it is the only way to align the units. Units can never be moved if they are already Engaged in Combat. These moves are considered part of the Charge Move, so they may bring the units within 0.5" of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing rule. A unit that is forced to make an align move when it is Charged never has to take Dangerous Terrain Tests due to this move.